Live Chat Widget

Embed the live chat widget on your website by pasting the snippet just before the </body> tag in the HTML of each page where you want the chat widget enabled. The snippet can be found on the Setup page at

You can customize the look and feel of your chat widget (including the color) from the settings page To change the primary color, enter in a number between 0 and 360. Numbers near 0 and 360 produce a red hue. Numbers near 100 are green. Numbers near 250 are blue. Numbers near 300 are purple. When you set the primary color, every element in the chat widget will adjust to your primary color in a nice, coordinated fashion.

It is recommended to restrict the use of your chat widget to specific domains to prevent misuse. To do this, add the domains where you want to use the chat widget to the list of allowed domains. You can do this on the Setup page at The domain should not include the "http://" or "https://" portion. Nether should it include a pathname portion such as "/about". Instead, you must use the format "" in order for it to work. If you do not add any domains here, any website could connect to our server and use the chat widget.